Monday, 2 January 2012

Greetings from Hong Kong

Happy New Year Everyone!

Apologises I'm a few hours late but my sentiments remain the same -wishing everyone a joyous, healthy and successful 2012!

Soloing in Hong Kong at the moment. Unfortunately I haven't taken any photos because:
  •  my camera's shit and I'm embarassed about using it
  •  I keep forgetting to take my camera out with me
  • I don't have a laptop to post from
  •  I haven't found anything worth taking apart from the obligatory blog shots of random trees; well dressed strangers; sunsets and clouds
  • I feel like a loser taking photos of myself.
  • I'm lazy.

I promise that '12 will be different!!!!! Trust me.

I'm not usually a resolution maker but for the 295 readers this blog has had this year (I know, I can't believe it either), I promise to dedicate a lot more time posting, reviewing, posing, cross-dressing, and courting your visual senses for your enjoyment. I just want to make you happy.

Thank you for those 30 secs your spared me when you thought you had the web page you wanted but realised it was really because you had made a typo; thank you for not posting nasty comments even though you may have detested everything about me and thank you for making my day when I checked my stats to find that a person in Kazakhstan had viewed my blog.

Will be avoiding avian flu for the next few days. Have you read the news?

See you soon!

1 comment:

  1. You are a darling! Please post pics soon and make me happy. Much love from your demanding reader :) xx
