Wednesday 11 April 2012

A truism

Afternoon everyone!

Who else feels like this? Found this on one of my favourite websites - story of my life!

Remember its not worth undoing all that hard work by giving in to that moment of weakness! Stay strong!

Monday 9 April 2012

Day 2 and already failed?!

Good Morning Everyone!

I must confess that I've slightly diverged from my 12 week challenge plan! Already?! I hear you say. I missed out on my workout yesterday so I will have to make up for it on my usual rest day - Sunday.

I feel terribly guilty and lazy for doing so but there's no point crying over spilt mik. So girls, don't worry if you face set backs, just pick yourself up again and keep going. Don't beat yourself over every little mistake as long as you acknowledge where you've gone wrong and made changes to correct it - you're doing great!

I decided to take some 'before' shots so I can keep track of my progress over the next 12 weeks. I wasn't all that ballsy to do it in a bikini because I'm self conscious of my lumps and bumps. But hopefully, by the end of the 12 weeks I won't be thinking twice about taking photographs in a bikini!

Want to get rid of that jelly belly and slim down my waist!

Please excuse the unflattering facial expression! I have quite a large behind for an Asian and its shapeless and flabby at the moment. Will make that thing bootylicious!

I also want to tone up my tighs and reduce my cellulite - you can see it below the cuff of my shorts. I will do a post on how I'm going to get rid of my cellulite soon because its a HUGE problem for me!

My measurements:

Waist: 27.5 Inches
Goal: 24-25 Inches

Hips: 37 Inches
Hips: I don't have a problem with the measurement - it can stay the same measurement as long as I can tell my butt has toned up!

Thighs: 21 Inches
Thighs: Again same with my hips - just want to tone them up!                      
Arms: 10 Inches (around).
Arms: 8-9 Inches. I am pretty self conscious about my arms - I have the dreaded 'chicken wings' where everytime I wave, I can feel and see them jiggling!

What I want to am going to achieve at the end of the 12 weeks is a leaner, meaner, toned and glowing body!

What are your goals?

Saturday 7 April 2012

Get ready!

Hey beauties!

My 12 week challenge starts tomorrow! After a number of false starts - tomorrow is definitely going to be the day that I am going to dedicate myself 100% to the challenge! The first day of the week is always a great time to start a plan because we feel as though we're starting up fresh.

My aim by the end of the 12 weeks is to tone up, lose the jelly belly and eat healthily!

Every week I'm going to post up pics, records of my progress and exercise and healthy eating tips so you can join me in this challenge and achieve your health goals too! I hope this will be a space where we can share our stories, progress and tips on our journey to being the best person we can be -both inside and out!

New Year Resolutions?!

Ahoy there! 

I know it’s been a while and it may have appeared that I had reneged on my resolution to update this blog more often this year, but I’ve been doing a bit of soul searching in really deciding and focusing on what I want to get out of this year and also the direction I want to take with this blog. 

Originally, I wanted it to be fashion focused but I quickly realised that outfit posts were expensive to maintain and my wardrobe just didn’t cater enough designer or ‘vintage’ pieces to make outfit posts blog-worthy. Not to mention I didn’t think I could churn out creative outfit posts on a regular basis. All in all, I realised and finally accepted that fashion blogging wasn’t ‘me’. 

So after really thinking about what I wanted and the things that interest me and reflect who I am, I’ve decided to re-direct my blog to a category I like to call “self-investing”. In other words, a lifestyle blog dedicated to things that will help me (and you!) to become the best version of ourselves. (I did mention I did a lot of soul searching?)This is not to say that I have turned my back on the fashion-o-sphere, but instead of fashion being the focus of the blog, it will now be a part of it.

I hope you’ll all join me on this new direction I’m taking with my blog and that it’ll feature more of the things which are more ‘me’ rather than what I want to be considered as ‘me’.